Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Northern Pike

Northern Pike Overview

One of my personal favorite fish is a northern pike. Not only do they taste great, but they put up a good fight on the line as well.  In northern Canada there are a substantial number of fresh lakes that are home to pike.  These fish are relatively easy to catch, but are hard to fillet. Pike are usually attracted to bright shiny colours and excessive movement under water. They can be found hiding off the weeds around shallow shoals, bays, and rivers. Pike are usually found in 10-15 feet of water with thick weeds. This can change depending on season. 

Recommended Lure for Pike

The lure I have had the most success with fishing for Pike is a Perch Rapala. Remember: bigger lure equals bigger fish. I generally go big or go home. So I use a 7 inch lure with 3 treble hooks. 

I have also had great success with  Black & Gold Rapalas, rapalas are a great lure for pike and every angler should have one in their tackle box. 

Everyone has their favorite lures, but if you don’t, choose one and stick with it. Do not change it after 3 or 4 casts. Have faith in your decision.

Identifying a pike

Northern Pike are torpedo like fish that are dark to light green  in colour with light oval spots all over its body.  A quick way to identify the fish is by looking at the head and jaw pike. Pike have large teeth and can be very powerful, don’t under estimate the danger of a fish flopping around with a hook hanging out of its mouth. Many people have wound up in the hospital with a hook through their finger, as a result of carelessness. 

-Pike loose their color slowly after they die. as scene with the smaller fish on the top.

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