Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ice Fishing Saftey

When planning on going out on the ice there are a number of things to take into consideration.

First this in first, check the thickness of the ice. Usually ice that is 4 inches thick is safe to walk on. Be wary though because the ice may be thinner in some spots. This why it is always smart to check the ice in many different areas. Be careful of moving/ running water. Running water freezes differently if at all. Be very careful when close to incoming streams and strong currents.

If you are planning on driving your truck or ATV on the ice it is best to wait a little later in the season when the ice is thicker. The ice needs to be at least 12 inches thick to support vehicles.  If you are questioning the ice safety it is best to be safe than sorry.

It is all ways good to have a pair of ice picks on you when out on the ice. If you were ever to break through the ice, having a pair of ice picks will definitely save your life. If you could imagine climbing out of the lake trying to get back on top of the ice, there is nothing for you to grab on to. Ice picks are mean for you to jam them in the ice and give you a firm handle to grab onto to pull yourself from the water.

Also never go out on the ice alone!!! If something we to ever happen, being with another person could very well save your life.

Being on the ice should never be taken lightly. You never know when you will be fighting for your life in freezing cold water.

***For anyone who has ever gone through the ice they know the sear terror that follows. Literally once you’re in the water the clock starts and if you do not get out in time you will die.  So it is better to be prepared for the worst then to be caught off guard. ***

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