Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ice Fishing

With the depths of wither closing in fast many anglers are waiting for the ice to get thicker so they can go out and start ice fishing. Many people seem to think that the fishing season stops when the wither months come, but the fishing does not stop here. The winter months take up a quarter of the year and instead of sitting indoors waiting for the spring, you should get out there and start ice fishing.

Ice fishing can be some of the most enjoyable. Many anglers set up what are called shanty’s, these are little cabins build on the lake over you ice fishing hole to provide shelter, warmth and comfort.  A great advantage to ice fishing in that you can make numerous holes in the ice and drop multiple fishing lines in the water. This greatly increases you chances of catching a fish and makes ice fishing more relaxed.  

Usually when ice fishing you use a very tiny rod that is only designed for jigging through ice fishing holes.  Many anglers also use what are called Tip-ups witch allow you to be fishing without actually holding the rod. These devices raise a little red flag when a fish hits and indicates that you have caught something.  Now obviously you will not be able to fit a net trough the small hole in the ice to land the fish so it is highly recommended that you bring a Gaff hook. A Gaff hook is a large barb-less hook that you can use to pull the fish from the water by hooking the fish behind its gills. This tool is extremely important because you will not be able to pull a big fish from the water just by the strength of the line alone. 

The fish that you are most likely to catch in the winter are walleye. You will be able to catch almost every fish that you would be able to in the summer.

Many people are skeptical to try ice fishing because of the cold and because they assume that you cannot catch fish in the winter. 

Let me make this clear, at least once in your life you need to try ice fishing. It is some of the best and most fun fishing you will ever do. Take the time to set up your fishing spot and you will have a great time.  Ice fishing is one of the best winters activates and is something to look forward to when thinking about the winter months. 

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