Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lake Trout Overview

Fishing for lake trout may be easily one of the hardest fish to catch. Trout have an extremely bony jaw making it very difficult to set the hook. This is why many anglers use smaller hooks to ensure that the hook sets inside the fish’s mouth.

Ice fishing is the perfect opportunity to catch trout. Trout are very deep water fish and stay in the cool water in the depths of the lake. In the winter Trout come up from the depths, making it easier to catch one.  In the summer, many times when you catch a Trout you cannot release the fish back into the lake. When you catch a big lake Trout in the summer, sometimes the pressure change from the bottom of the lake to the surface damages their internal organs. This, many times, results in the fish dying. However in the winter when the Trout are not at the deepest points in the lake, you can catch and release without extreme harm to the fishes health.

Some tips for Trout fishing.

I would recommend using live bait when fishing for Trout. Minnows, leaches, insects and worms are all great bait to use when trout fishing, I find that larger minnows work the best. The best method for catching trout is trolling the bottom of the lake.

The average size of trout is 2-10 lbs. and are usually found in cold water 50˚F (10˚C) in clear, deep lakes.
When fishing for trout bring a net and be prepared for a long exciting fight. Trout are very strong fish and will take a little effort to land.  

Please share with me some pictures of the Lake Trout you have caught in the past on my Facebook page or on Twitter.

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